From 研究ing Abroad 与东航卡帕合作 to Bridesmaids


Memories and Milestones: From 研究ing Abroad to Bridesmaids

东航卡帕采访了朋友和校友, 卡莉·库珀和德莱尼·詹金斯, who studied abroad in 巴塞罗那 during Spring ‘18. They formed a beautiful friend船 thanks to their semester abroad and travels 与东航卡帕合作 which led to Carleigh being one of Delaney’s bridesmaids on her wedding day!  


Q: Can you share a memorable experience from your 留学项目 与东航卡帕合作? 

库珀: 我最难忘的时刻是我们的最后一天 通过东航卡帕宝博体育. Delaney and I went out on a sailboat in the port of 巴塞罗那 从不同的角度看这个城市. 今天我们也去了圣家堂.


Q: What role did each of you play in supporting one another's personal and academic growth during the 留学项目? 

詹金斯: Carleigh and I both felt some nerves at first while switching from our U.S. 我们新的东航卡帕项目. Carleigh was always there to lend an ear for advice with any struggles I went through. Whether it was a discussion about new class structures, or the struggles of navigating Spanish grocery stores, I knew I could always depend on Carleigh to provide comfort and make me feel like I had family while living and traveling in new countries. I remember feeling so loved on my 21st birthday after Carleigh went above and beyond decorating our room, 计划一个可爱的庆祝活动, 得到很多 新的留学朋友 涉及到太. 我们都觉得能拥有彼此是多么幸运. 

Friends sitting on blanket at beach along Amalfi Coast in 意大利

Q: How did your friend船 evolve during your time abroad, and what were some key moments that strengthened your bond? 

库珀: Living and learning 在一起 in a foreign country made us really rely on each other for support. Whenever I got homesick, I had Delaney to lean on and cheer me up. It was so nice having Delaney because she could actually relate to me since she was going through the same experience as me. 


Q: How did your friend船 continue to flourish after returning from your 留学项目? 

詹金斯: 我和Carleigh上的是不同的大学, and also lived a few states away from each other, so continuing a close friend船 definitely took some effort. 幸运的是,努力从来都不是问题. We always made time for each other whether it was a call to catch up or making sure to book that next trip 在一起. Every time we get to chat or hangout it feels like no time has passed, 然后我们从我们离开的地方继续. We've been lucky enough to see each other graduate, 找到第一份工作, 移动, 随着我们的成熟和成长而改变. 

friends standing in front of water and windmills in the 荷兰

自 与东航卡帕一起在巴塞罗那留学 在2018年春天,我们回到了 西班牙意大利克罗地亚 荷兰和摩洛哥一起. 


Q: Could you share a specific story that exemplifies the unique dynamics of your friend船, 尤其是在你出国期间? 

库珀: 因为我们的友谊是建立在旅行之上的, 我们一起旅行很愉快, we knew this wouldn’t be the last time we went on a trip as a duo. We made a pact while studying abroad that we’d ride a gondola in 意大利 在一起. 自 we couldn’t make it to Venice while we were abroad. 我们做到了,并在2019年预订了一次旅行, 大约一年后, 最后在威尼斯乘坐了贡多拉! 

Two friends sitting in Gondola in Italian canal

Celebrating Milestones with 宝博体育 Friend船s 

问:恭喜你们结婚了! Describe the process of one friend getting married and the other being chosen as a bridesmaid. How did that feel, considering your journey from studying abroad 在一起? 

詹金斯: Getting engaged and then married was such a special and emotional time for me. There was so much love and excitement to share. I knew as soon as I said “yes” that Carleigh would be a part of my big day! To be honest I knew Carleigh would be a bridesmaid way earlier – even before I met my partner – by sharing such a transformative time 在一起 like studying abroad really bonded us and cemented a forever friend. 


Q: How did your shared experiences and the bond you formed abroad contribute to your roles as friends during the wedding preparations and the actual wedding day? 

詹金斯: Living 在一起 abroad and sharing so many life changing experiences in general really allows for a close bond. I feel like Carleigh knows me so well and understands the ways I wanted to be supported through an exciting change like marriage. She knows how to keep me calm and make me laugh, which I value so much and appreciated on my wedding day. Living 在一起 during our 东航卡帕 program set us up for lifelong friend船 which I'm so grateful for!  


Q: Looking back, how has your friend船 changed or grown as a result of your 宝博体育 体验与婚礼? 

詹金斯: We've witnessed through so many big life events and changes. I truly can say in the last six years we have grown 在一起 and supported each other through all the chaos! 我们都喜欢巴塞罗那和东航卡帕, the program really helped open our eyes to the world and ignite a love for travel. 虽然我们现在的生活看起来有点不同, one thing that'll never change is our friend船 and our love for travel! 


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