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by 劳伦索伯恩
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Celebrating Easter while Studying Abroad in 布拉格, 捷克共和国

如果你打算 宝博体育捷克共和国 为你的春季学期做准备,那么你就可以享受一场盛宴了. 复活节是捷克共和国的一个重要节日 布拉格 真知道怎么庆祝节日. Almost the entire months of April and May are dedicated to the coming of springtime, and after spending time in 布拉格 during the cold months of February and March, 我明白为什么捷克人喜欢他们的春天传统! 


The best way to enjoy the Easter festivities in 布拉格 and the 捷克共和国 is by knowing the history behind it. 当时捷克斯洛伐克还在共产主义政权下, 复活节的宗教内涵被压制了. 在那段时间里, the meaning of Easter (also referred to as Velikonoce in Czech) was about the welcoming of spring. 现在, Easter still represents the coming of spring; however, the Czech people understand the strong Christian background of Easter. 


Easter 在 捷克共和国 is full of fun traditions that are unique to the country. 其中一个主要活动被称为Masopust. 基本上就是狂欢节,不过是捷克式的! 世界各地都有狂欢节庆祝活动, so it’s such a treat being able to experience a version of it in a different country. Masopust 在 捷克共和国 takes place 在 days leading up to Ash Wednesday. 人们穿着戏服,戴着面具, and there are often various parades and celebrations throughout the city of 布拉格 and the entire country. The masks vary from human forms to animals and everything in between. It's a large celebration that often includes a lot of meat-heavy feasts as this event occurs before Lent. The parades often end in a pub of some sort where all the eating and drinking continues until sunrise. Another important aspect of this holiday is the various noise makers used. The most common ones are wooden ratchets that can be bought at all the touristy 复活节市场 in 布拉格’s Old Town.  


The Easter Market in Old Town Square, with the Astronomical Clock 在 background.

Another traditional Czech easter specialty are the Easter Eggs which can be spotted everywhere during the weeks surrounding Easter. 鸡蛋有时是真的,有时是木制的. Almost all the eggs are hand-painted or decorated with beautiful patterns. 女孩们是应该装饰彩蛋的人, 他们会在复活节的星期一给孩子们. These eggs are meant to symbolize spring and the beginning of a new life. 显然, there’s also a nationwide Easter egg contest held in 布拉格 and other Czech cities, 虽然我自己没有看到. 


A large white Easter Bunny located in Old Town Square’s Easter Market.

Another one of the most well-known Czech traditions is known as the Pussywillow. 这是用柳枝编成的鞭子. The idea is that the boys are supposed to make these whips and carry them around on Easter Monday, 鞭打女孩的腿. It’s still common today and is supposed to bring health and youth to anyone who is whipped with them. 当我拜访塞斯基·克鲁姆洛夫时, 捷克南部的一个小镇, my female tour guide told me that both her husband and son whip her every Easter Monday. 


It’s very easy to recognize when Easter celebrations are about to begin in 布拉格 because the trees start being decorated with colorful ribbons and eggs. Easter markets begin to erupt in every town square all over the city.  


One of the various 复活节市场 in 布拉格 at the 布拉格 Castle in front of St. 维达斯大教堂.

最大的复活节市场在老城广场. 在这里,他们也有一些表演. One day, while I was wandering around Old Town, a children’s choir began singing. Although the songs were all in Czech and I didn’t understand a word they said, 那是一个美丽的时刻,我将永远记住. 

在复活节市场上,有许多不同的摊位. 烟囱蛋糕,被称为Trdelník,到处都可以买到.


One of the many Trdelnik (Chinmeny Cake) stands at the 复活节市场 around 布拉格.

There's also coffee, a selection of various meats, and of course, beer. 没有啤酒,这就不是真正的捷克庆典. You'll find other things at the Easter markets including the colorful Easter eggs, Pussywillow鞭子, 还有很多手工首饰.  


The Spring semester is a great time to be 在 捷克共和国 because there are a few other traditions and holidays aside from Easter that are worth celebrating. Two days after I arrived in 布拉格, was the Hromnice holiday on February 2nd. 对于任何熟悉土拨鼠日在美国.S., Hromnice has a similar idea and represents the middle of winter 在 捷克共和国. 

我最喜欢的节日之一是5月1日. In the 捷克共和国, it’s known and celebrated as the Day of Love. 它也应该是正式的春天的第一天, 它没有让人失望——太阳整天都在照耀着! One of the traditions I heard about the day was that couples are supposed to kiss each other under the cherry blossom trees that begin flowering in spring.


春天的樱花盛开在圣. 布拉格城堡的维图斯大教堂.

Another tradition I read about is that couples go to the statue of Karel Hynek Mácha, 谁是著名的捷克诗人,被称为“爱的诗人”.“在这尊雕像前, 它位于Petřín公园, 情侣们放下鲜花,共度时光. 

劳伦索伯恩 内容创造者-博主.
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